AL HAMLA was last reported 3 hours, 8 minutes, 56 seconds ago by AIS at coordinates 50.22°, -1.40°. It's heading to QATAR with an estimated arrival on 4/9.
Name | AL HAMLA |
Callsign | V7MX9 |
IMO / MMSI | 9337743 / 538002922 |
Type | Tanker, all ships of this type |
Country | MH |
Length / Beam | 315 m / 50 m |
Channels | A, B |
Message Types | 1, 3, 5 |
Last Signal | 3 hours, 8 minutes, 56 seconds |
Speed / COG | 15.1 kts / 254.8° |
Status | Under way using engine |
Destination | QATAR |
Matched Port | - |
ETA | 4/9 8:- |
Draught | 9.9 m |
Signal Level / Drift | -33.75 dB / 1.45 ppm |